Heart Circle Watercolor Pencils Card and Envelope
Heart Circle Watercolor Pencils Card and Envelope

Here is a quick art project that can also be used for Valentines’ Day, or setting mindful goal intentions.  The art involves drawing circles of radiating hearts.  The art sample was made using watercolor pencils.  The hearts were first sketched then painted.  You can use your own medium (pens, paint, pencils, etc.) to complete it. There are samples of the drawn sketch and painted watercolor versions at the end of this post.

1. Start with the inner circle.  This will create a guide for all the other circles.  In the sample above, I started with the red hearts as the main circle.  I did the mini magnet hearts in reverse later.

2. Next, start adding additional layers of hearts.  The next layer I sketched was the dark orange hearts.  I placed the tip of the orange heart in between the red hearts.

3. I repeated the process letting the hearts get slightly larger until the yellow hearts. 

4. To fit in the remaining colors of green through purple, I used smaller hearts.  I also allowed the spacing to become more disorderly.  I added the final inner layer of magenta hearts at this point since it tied in the edge color.

5. After I finished sketching all the hearts, then I used plain water to blend out the color from the pencils creating the image above. 


  1. Make this as a card to give someone, place their name or a word about the relationship like “love” or anniversary date in the center of the circle.
  2. Make this art a circle of intention for yourself.  Write an intention or goal like “create art” or “self-care” in the center of the circle.
  3. Place your name at the center of the circle and write your intentions on the radiating hearts.  Make the ones closest to your name your biggest priority.  When you are pulled by multiple projects, look at the heart and refocus on your most important goals.

The art sample was made using Canson watercolor cards.  They are heavier weight paper that is designed for painting.   In the above photo, the painting on the left is the matching envelope to the card.

Consider challenging yourself to make this project using a variety of media including collage.

Please do share how your art project turned out.  You can join and post in the Facebook group or comment on this post.
Creatively Yours,
Laurel Latto
Spirit Playbook Artist

Heart Circle Colored Pencils Drawing Art Card Design
Heart Circle Colored Pencils Sketch Card Art Design
Heart Circle Watercolor Pencils Card
Heart Circle Watercolor Pencils Card

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Heart Circles Love Art Project

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