I am sorry that I have been away from this community for so long. If you forgive me, I plan to make it up with a summer of fun creativity challenges and art projects that I will send out at least every 2 weeks.
I have been away because my dad got ill (non-COVID) and taking care of him took over my life. He is much better now, and I plan to dive back into my art and sharing ideas and projects with you to explore your creativity too.

Even though I wanted to restart, I had a mental wall that stopped me. I needed to change my inner voice so I would act on ideas. To help my intention, I created a creative “magic jar”. It is a small glass vial that I filled with multi-colored glitter. I put the jar on my desk next to my art supplies as a visual reminder of my potential and of new art waiting for me.
After looking at my magic jar for a couple of weeks, I created a new sketch. It was a meditation about changing my inner voice to have a regular art intention. My idea was a spiritual version of my inner Spirit being creative and sharing her art out. The sketch idea evolved into a painting of an angel or creative muse putting out inspirational ideas into the universe for me and knowing my art intentions are supported. When I look at the painting, I can see it as both ideas of giving and receiving creativity.

I would encourage you to create your own magic bottle or invent your own version of it. I will design a coloring page version of the “Manifesting Universe Angel” and send it out soon. If you want to try creating your own creative Spirit or Angel, please do! I would love to see what you create so please either post in the Activate Your Spirit Art Challenge Facebook group or reply to this post.
Creatively Yours,
Laurel Latto
Spirit Playbook Artist
P.S. I also shared about being a caregiver to my dad and creating this angel on DonnaBellas Angels Blog (my inspirational art non-profit) if you want to read more or see it in the DonnaBellas Angels Art Gallery.
Creating the Manifesting Universe Angel Art
I started off with a pencil sketch idea and then did it again in ink. I took the sketches and used them to trace the image on watercolor paper. After painting, I wanted to pull out fine details but did not want to go darker so I digitally added white over the top of the painting.
I will share out a video of creating the artwork at a later date.